March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

Endoscopic Ultrasound

Endoscopic Sonography Procedure

An endoscopic ultrasound, also known as an EUS (upper) is a procedure that permits the physician to see the pancreas, gallbladder and esophagus walls. A flexible tube with a light on it is passed through your mouth and through the esophagus to your stomach into the first portion of your duodenum (small intestine). The physician will look at the tissue as he moves the tube along. In some cases a small piece of tissue (biopsy) may be removed for study.

Before the EUS Procedure:

On the night before this test you should not eat or drink anything from 12 midnight until the test is completed. You will be asked to remove any dentures or partial plates at the time of the test. Plan to arrive 30 minutes before your appointment to register. When you arrive please register in admitting.

Be prepared to have someone stay with you to drive you home after the procedure. It takes several hours for the sedative to completely wear off. The procedure may not be performed if a driver is not available.

During the Ultrasound:

Before the test begins the physician may ask you to gargle with medicine or he will spray your throat to numb your gag reflex. You may also be given a mild sedative through a small needle in your hand or arm. Be sure to let the nurse and physician know if you are allergic to any medication.

You will be positioned on your left side on an examination table. The physician will pass a tube through your mouth and throat and into your stomach. You will be asked to swallow at the time of insertion. As the tube moves downward air will be put into your stomach, allowing the physician to see better. This may cause you to feel full. The test does not interfere with your breathing. Also the lights in the room will be turned down to allow the physician to see better.

If the physician sees any problem areas, samples of tissue may be taken. Small growths may also be removed. The removal of these small amounts of tissue is painless. This test usually takes anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes, but you will not ordinarily be ready for discharge until 2 to 2 ½ hours after your arrival.

After the EUS:

After the test you will be asked to rest until the effects of the sedative have subsided. You should not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes after the test. You may also have a sore throat for about 24 hours. Your physician will discuss the results of the test with you and your support person after the procedure prior to your discharge.

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